Friday 31 August 2012


My books arrived this week. Along with two books about Manchester, XS and XS Green were on my reading list and are perfect for this project. For those unfamiliar with the books, there are three in total, the other one being XS Extreme, and each one features a range of small projects, exactly what is needed for this brief. After reading through them, I marked off relevant projects for future reference. Last night, I began the sketches of my precedents. However, as my output all has to be in digital format, I think I will be planning and roughing it out in my sketchbook before enhancing sketches and drawings and putting together the project on using various CAD programs.
Over the weekend I am hoping to get my precedents organised and have a couple of sketches and notes done for them. Hopefully, I can the have a play with CAD and start putting it all together.
I am going to start by brain storming everything - I've got so many ideas buzzing inside my head that I need to get them onto paper before I can do anything with them. This could require a large piece of paper!

One problem I am having is getting past the lack of site. I realise that I could design it whilst having somewhere specific in mind, but chances are, the site where we will be building it, if we will be building it, will be somewhere completely different. The alternative is to design something that is flexible enough that it can be sited in lots of places.

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