Sunday 9 September 2012

Up to Date

Ok, I realise its a bit late but I felt it was about time I blogged due to the slight change in design plan. It's kinda cheating, but I tried to create my design on AutoCAD and SketchUp. And I couldn't. Maybe later on I will be able to but for now I can't. And I did try. Promise.

So I went back to the cardboard wedges and had another play around with them. This time, instead of trying to make a 3D shape with them, I tried looking at them as if they were a plan and I came up with a simpler but I think even more effective design.

I was able to stick to my idea of a narrow space opening onto the landscape and making the most of the view, which I am really please with although I had to make a couple of alterations to it.
These aren't the best models in the world and they do need and will be having a lot of work done to them but I hope it gives a bit of an idea.
I created the design by laying out the wedges in a semicircular shape but fanning out to break up a perfect curve. The rest of the design, such as the walls and the doorway (although like I said, some adjustment was needed) just fell into place. Even AutoCAD was useful in that it actually showed me how I was going to build it, if I get to build it. The frame, columns, walls and then roof. There a no windows, so it is all open to the elements but thinking about it, and looking at it now, I might alter the roof slightly by making it overhang a bit, to provide a bit of extra shelter. But that is something for later.

Along with packing, I plan on getting my video well and truly nailed tomorrow. I know what I want to do but I know how long it is going to take so it could be an all day job. But if I get it right, it should look amazing!

After that, what is left to do is the presentation sheet, for when I find the right software, and produce the drawings etc showing the structure and how the shelter is assembled.

After chatting to one of my studiomates from last year, I am eager to get on with this again, as despite (nearly) finishing off my computer models, I've hardly touched it this weekend. Which isn't good.

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